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About Us

"The Blessing of Christmas"

"The Blessing of Christmas" is a Christmas choral project that the FBC Worship Choir had the opportunity to record this year with our sister church FBC Fairhope. This project includes 9 of your favorite Christmas songs written and arranged by Phil Barfoot, Cliff Duren, and David Wise. It is also includes 3 powerful worship songs that will certainly inspire you in your worship of God. This project is produced by CCT Music at Studio 78 in Nashville, TN.


How to Order?

This project is now available for purchase in 2 formats: CD (hardcopy) or QR Code Card (digital download). 

1. CD (hardcopy) for pickup -
* CDs marked for pickup can be picked up from the church office between 8:30am and 4:30pm Monday-Thursday.

2. CD (hardcopy) to be shipped - $20 (covers cost of shipping)

*If you would like a CD shipped to you, please include the extra $5 in your amount total. If it is not included, the CD will be marked for pickup and will be held at the church.


3. QR Code (digital download) - $10

* A digital download link will be sent to your email.

Please click on the link below to order. On the fund drop down menu, select music ministry. 

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